wave's word

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Changes in Lattitude

It has been a blogless month for me. So, this one may be quite long - I appologize in advance.

I have been on a fast moving train of change. I believe that God is directing trafic but it seems that others are driving.
At work I know there is momentum forward but I don't know how I fit into it. TRUST GOD HAVE FAITH!!! I scream it to myself daily to block out any small doubt creeping in.
In previous post I mentioned moving. Well thanks to some great friends the move went well. What a diference living in the burbs. Not bad or good just diferent. I like being closer to my friends. I like my really big kitchen with many cupboards and pantry and big sliding doors. I like my big room and bright windows. Somehow I still miss my little apartment and fixing it up and walking home after work or to work. By summer I'll be over that when I'm not sweating buckets in it. When I soak in the tub I wont miss the shower. So it is all good change. Thank God for direction everyday.

I'm frustrated with the phone people. The phone is still not working. The world is tangled with lines and wireless is just invisible lines. I still have my cell phone.

I'm really glad for the varriety of communication devices we have in our lives. It eases the transitions of life. I think of how fortunate people who move far from family and friends are to be able to continue to share their lives on a daily basis. Long ago if you moved from your home to another city you might never see your family for years. Only able to catch up by a letter that would take weeks to arrive. You would think that our high tech communication would improve relationships and bring families together. Does it ? maybe the state of family life would be even worse without it. For me and mine it is a blessing.

I was almost (for a short time) an empty nester. Tanya by some not so great choices she made last summer found herself in a load of trouble which resulted in her being re located to her fathers care, in another city. She has since been on a straighter path and resolved and accepted responsibility for much of her troubles. I suddenly, for the first time in 29 years, was living alone. It was a shock for a week or so. Then it was okay. Then it was great sometimes and not so great sometimes. I'm not home that much. The whole experience lasted about 2 months. Then my son by some sudden changes in his life asked me to live with him so, after some thought and discussion, we made this huge move. No more empty nest!
It is not that great an experience when you don't have someone to share it. I have faith that God will resolve that issue too.

The theme of change continues. I was born in Quebec - I'm a Canadian! for now I can still say that I am Canadian. Will Quebec give me dual citizenship? if they choose separation from Canada. Mon dieu je prier!


  • I second clan schmitt...you have WAY more to say!! You were the last 'original' downtown, and now you are gone...we are so lonely!! Just kidding. It seems like you are moving into some great changes and should be excited, even if the ride is a bit rough...

    By Blogger momsmusings, at 6:58 AM  

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