wave's word

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Tuesday Thought to think about

What better to think about than to think on scripture.

Romans 2

13For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous
14(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law,
15since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.)
16This will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.
The Jews and the Law
17Now you, if you call yourself a Jew; if you rely on the law and brag about your relationship to God;
18if you know his will and approve of what is superior because you are instructed by the law;
19if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a light for those who are in the dark,
20an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of infants, because you have in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth—
21you, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself?

-So then, I caution myself to take to heart God's laws. The word of God needs to be studied then meditated on, then lived. It reminds me of making a chicken roti. Many ingredients, steps, time and a good teacher. You can't make a genuine Trinidad roti by recipe,or without a true triny teacher.(lots of steps) The meat(Chicken,goat or beef) must be seasoned and left to marinate. The roti is a flour and cornmeal wrap. Specially seasoned and left to rise and kneaded slightly diferently by each triny teacher.
God sent me a true triny teacher to learn to make roti (Judy).

I'm thankful for good teachers, Elders or pastors all God's annointed teachers placed in authority over us to guide us. I've always appreciated my elders teaching of the word but did not want to seek their counsel (pride_oopsy). Maturity(desperation?)drove me to invite them in to my life. He does not need to have any experience or education related to whatever issue is current in the lives of the people God placed him in authority over.(myth busted) God placed him there for us and equips him as the need arises.

-I've excelled and failed this week but I'm committed to study, meditate(take to heart) and live in obedience to God's holy word.


  • Hey, this is great, it sounds like you have been doing a bit of studying and learning!! That is awesome!

    By Blogger momsmusings, at 7:21 AM  

  • Being able to pick ourselves up and continue on is never a failure. It's when we stop asking for help and give up that we fail. You're doing well and looking good!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 4:30 PM  

  • Failure may have been the wrong word to use. Fell short!
    It is in God's hands we live. Trust and ask God for help. Tell God all and man only what lifts up.

    By Blogger Wave's Word, at 7:24 PM  

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