wave's word

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I know some little kids that call me Nana. I'm their Nana. One little girl is curly A. One little boy is mighty whitey K. The oldest boy is gamer E man. This weekend was Nana's fun time. After work I took them out for dinner. That is an adventure in itself but we did not stop with dinner. Our walk home along the creek was full of discovery. Worms, rocks, ducks and mud which would you take home in your pocket?
Did you know that a 2 year old can understand and converse with a duck. Curly A can spot dog poo a mile away and Gamer E man found gold nuggets laying on the path. We came across a large hill and rather than going around it we went straight up and over it and then we ran down the other side. For no particular reason we did it again. Now this was a damp and grey day so by the time we reached home we were damp but not grey. The best part of the evening after bathtime was over we all climbed into bed, pulled the covers over us and turned on the TV and fell asleep. Now the next day we were off to the market. What a crowd of people - nearly lost the grandchildren. Bought some fruit, had some lunch and of course the clown made great balloon swords for each child. Gotta support the arts! hee hee
The most amazing surprise at the market was to bump into an old friend from 13 years ago that I knew in a diferent city I lived in. We worked together on a few community volunteer projects and she took care of my youngest daughter when I went back to work. We always talked and cooked and walked together. I remember her kind, loving heart. She never had a harsh word for anyone. She helped the seniors in the inner city community with their shopping and cooking for the meals on wheels program and other needs. I drove them all over in the big van. She was my first experience of what the revelation of service that Jesus Christ desires all of us to walk in. She does it with agape LOVE.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

House of Relaxing - House of Cards

My mom sure knows how to relax and enjoy life. 70 years experience pays off well. She puts a huge effort in anything she pursues everyday but at the end of the day it is time to sleep. She is as fit as a violin. A hard act to follow. Truly one of a kind. I enjoyed listening to stories of the past people in her life. Over this weekend I was pleased that Tantan could hear those stories too. Today's society is blunt and rushed in comparison to when my mother was Tantan's age. This easter weekend was the most relaxing holiday in awhile. Just lounging doing our hair, our feet and chatting about life.

My sister's boy is adorable. He has the lips of a cherub the voice of an angel. At just over one year old the gift of beautiful vocal chords is evident. It was inherited from his mother. JM and Tantan were amusing one 18yrs and the other one and a half playing and reading together. Life is at it's best in the moments that you are enjoying simple pleasures of walking by the lake throwing stones. Some were skipping along the waves some just plunk to the bottom.

I'd like to keep these pleasant thoughts close when the rest of the week is a storm of challenges, doubts, decisions, concerns. God carries us through these times and rejoices with us through the others. Well as my mom sais it is night time - time to sleep.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

what a walk - what a journey


I love to walk- - The sun could be shining or behind a cloud. I still would enjoy my time. In a blizzard with snow whipping a my face like little darts - not as fun but still a special time for me. Since I have a good imagination I can change my focus from the harsh weather surroundings. I feel strengthened by the challenge that is both physical and mental. When I decide I'm going to walk sometimes a lazy feeling might try to talk me out of it. At those times I try to remember how good I feel when I conquer that feeling and how good it feels to conquer a hill or jogging that extra couple feet. I can only imagine how it feels to win a race or climb a mountain. Maybe one day I'll make it to base camp 1 on Everest or an equivalent.
Conquer the flesh
I thought the best outcome of walking would be the weight loss but that has been a small bonus. I had hoped it would be faster. I need to take the same attitude to conquer food as I do to walking. When that lazy feeling tries to say " only one more piece" " only this time I'll pig out" I need to yell back at it as if it is the devil himself standing with the piece of chocolate. What benefit to the body does chocolate provide?
The body is the temple of the holy spirit. God made it to function effectivily. Food is for the purpose of providing nutrients to the body. It is a bonus and a curse that foods taste good. My attitude I'm changing is to eat to provide nurtrients to my body not only to satisfy my palate.
No doubt that is my mount Everest at the moment. Those of you who know me know I love all manners of the Arts - culinary arts included.